Adorable Stray Pup Covered In Mange Melts With Gratitude After Her Foster Mom Gives Her A Bath

Adorable Stray Pup Covered In Mange Melts With Gratitude After Her Foster Mom Gives Her A Bath

Countless stray pups live in hopes of a better tomorrow as they struggle to survive on the dangerous and lonely streets.

The canines dream of having a family who would cherish them and give them a ton of love.

Gloria, a sweet pup covered in mange, wished to meet kind humans who would help her and make her feel loved.

The pooch, who was estimated to be nine to ten weeks old, felt hopeful that she would find happiness after Burlington Animal Services rescued her.

The good humans at Hope Animal Rescue, a non-profit organization based in North Carolina, took Gloria under their care, and that’s when her life began to change.

Gloria Meets Her Foster Mom

cute dog with fur problems
Source: @wally_the_pitt

The rescue contacted Emily Dunn, one of their dedicated fosters, asking her whether she wanted to foster a little puppy with mange.

As soon as Dunn saw the photo of the canine, later named Gloria, she became captivated with her adorable eyes. She immediately agreed to take her home and nurse her back to health.

The next day, Dunn met Gloria for the first time, and she was shocked by her rough state. 

The canine was diagnosed with demodex mange and a skin condition. She barely had any fur left on her wrinkled and crusty skin.

The moment Gloria saw Dunn, she wagged her tail as if she knew that the kind-hearted woman came to help her.

The kind human gently stroked the dog as she held her face in her hands.

As soon as Dunn brought Gloria to her home in Raleigh, North Carolina, she gave her a medicated bath.

dog in sink
Source: @wally_the_pitt

Gloria felt comfortable and calm. Her eyes sparkled with gratitude and love as she gazed at her foster mom. 

Dunn was smitten with her. The pup only wanted to be held and feel loved.

The Pup Starts Recovering

blonde woman and stray dog
Source: @wally_the_pitt

When Dunn took Gloria to the vet, she couldn’t imagine that she was in for a surprise. 

After the vet gave the pooch her first medical checkup, she declared that Gloria was an adult dog although she looked like a puppy.

Both Dunn and the vet assumed that the delightful dog was a product of terrible backyard breeding.

cute stray dog
Source: @wally_the_pitt

A few days later, Gloria’s skin began healing. 

“We are so excited to see her hair start to grow and for her to be less crusty. Already, in just a few short days, we can see her markings better and she’s shedding a lot less. Her spirit never changed though, she is still so spunky and happy,” Dunn told Newsweek.

The sweet pooch enjoys her time in foster care. She adores cuddling with her foster mom and soaking up her selfless love.

“She just wags her tail and wants to be loved as soon as you make eye contact with her… She will cuddle up in your lap and is happy to hang out,” Dunn added.

adorable dog in towels
Source: @wally_the_pitt

Although Gloria is still not put up for adoption, she has already received many adoption applications.

As soon as the wonderful girl makes a full recovery, she will start searching for a family who will give her all the love she deserves.