Milla’s birthday this year was sad

On a sunny morning, Milla, a beautiful dog with a pristine white coat, woke up excitedly, knowing it was her birthday. She looked forward to receiving affection, treats, and maybe even a new toy. However, as the day went on, Milla noticed something was different this year. The usual birthday greetings and celebrations never came.

As the hours passed, Milla’s joyful anticipation turned into quiet disappointment. She spent most of the day lying in her favorite spot, watching the door, hoping someone would come in with a surprise. But the day remained uneventful. The lack of acknowledgment from her family left Milla feeling sad and overlooked.

Milla’s tail, which usually wagged with joy, drooped low as she realized that no one had remembered her birthday. The absence of the usual pats on the head, cheerful songs, and special treats made her day feel lonely. It was a sharp contrast to the previous years, where her birthdays were filled with laughter and love.

That night, Milla curled up in her bed, feeling a pang of sadness. It was clear that she was deeply affected by the lack of celebration. Her expressive eyes, usually bright and full of life, reflected her disappointment.