Today is my birthday, everyone forgot me, no one remembers me

Once upon a time, in a small, cozy house, lived a little white puppy named Snowy. Snowy was cheerful and full of energy, always wagging his tail and spreading joy wherever he went. But today, something was different. Today was Snowy’s birthday.

Snowy woke up early, his heart full of excitement. He expected the day to be special, filled with love and attention from his family. He imagined a big cake, colorful balloons, and maybe even a new toy. But as the day progressed, something strange happened. No one seemed to notice it was his special day.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, and Snowy’s excitement began to wane. He sat by the window, watching the world outside, but his eyes kept drifting back to the door, hoping someone would walk in with a surprise. But the hours ticked by, and no one came.

Snowy’s heart felt heavy. He padded over to his favorite spot in the living room and lay down, his ears drooping. He let out a soft whimper, which turned into a quiet sob. Soon, tears began to roll down his fluffy white cheeks, and Snowy cried and cried, feeling utterly forgotten.

His cries were so soft that they went unnoticed by the family, busy with their own routines. Snowy felt an ache in his heart, wondering why no one remembered his birthday. He thought about all the happy moments he had shared with his family, the times they played together and the times they cuddled. He couldn’t understand why today was different.

As evening approached, Snowy’s crying slowed down. He had cried so much that he felt exhausted. He curled up into a little ball, his white fur looking even whiter against the dim light of the room. He closed his eyes, feeling a sense of sadness he had never felt before.

But just as Snowy was about to drift off to sleep, he heard a sound. The door creaked open, and in walked the family, carrying a big, colorful cake and a bundle of balloons. They had been preparing a surprise party for him all along! Snowy’s eyes widened in disbelief and joy as they sang “Happy Birthday” and showered him with love and affection.

The room was filled with laughter, and Snowy’s tail wagged furiously. He realized that he had not been forgotten after all. His family loved him dearly and had wanted to make his birthday extra special. The tears of sadness were quickly replaced by tears of happiness as Snowy enjoyed his special day surrounded by those who cared for him the most.