Xuka the dog cried when his best friend in the rescue camp was adopted by a kind person.

Xuka had been at the rescue camp for as long as he could remember. His life there was a routine—days filled with the noise of barking dogs, the scent of antiseptic, and the constant hum of activity. But amidst all the chaos, Xuka had found comfort in one thing: his best friend, a cheerful dog named Max.

Max and Xuka had been inseparable from the moment they met. They shared everything—their food, their toys, and even their bed on cold nights. When the days seemed long and hope felt distant, they found solace in each other’s company. Max had a way of lifting Xuka’s spirits, making even the toughest days bearable with his playful antics and boundless energy. Xuka, in turn, was a steady, calming presence for Max, always there to share in the good moments and the bad.

But as much as Xuka loved Max, he knew deep down that their time together would one day come to an end. Max was the kind of dog people noticed—he was young, with a shiny coat and a joyful disposition that drew people in. Xuka, on the other hand, had been overlooked time and time again. His fur had grown a bit ragged over the years, and his once bright eyes now held a hint of weariness. He had spent more than four years in the rescue camp, watching other dogs find homes, while he remained in the background, unnoticed.

One morning, Xuka noticed a change in the air. A family had come to the rescue camp, their eyes full of warmth and kindness as they walked through the rows of kennels. Xuka watched from his corner as they approached, his heart pounding with a mixture of hope and dread. He had seen this before—people would come, their faces full of excitement, but their eyes would pass over him, moving on to the younger, more vibrant dogs.

The family stopped in front of Max’s kennel. Xuka’s heart sank as he saw the way they looked at Max, with the same love and admiration that Xuka himself had always felt for his friend. They knelt down, reaching out to pet Max through the bars, and Xuka knew that this was it. Max was going to be adopted.

The rescue worker came over, smiling as they talked with the family. It was clear that they had already fallen in love with Max. The gate was opened, and Max bounded out, his tail wagging furiously, his excitement barely contained. He looked back at Xuka, his eyes full of happiness but also a touch of sadness, as if he knew what this meant.

Xuka tried to stay strong, tried to be happy for his friend, but as he watched Max walk away with the family, his heart broke. He had always known this day would come, but that didn’t make it any easier. The tears came suddenly, uncontrollably, as he let out a soft, mournful cry. He was happy that Max had found a home, but the pain of being left behind was too much to bear.

For a long time after Max left, Xuka couldn’t stop crying. He felt so alone, so utterly abandoned. The kennel that had once been filled with warmth and companionship now felt cold and empty. Every corner of the small space reminded him of Max—of the games they played, the nights they curled up together, and the moments they shared.

Days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, but Xuka remained unnoticed. People came and went, adopting other dogs, but no one seemed to see Xuka. He was just another dog in the background, a shadow in the corners of the rescue camp. The pain of losing Max lingered, a constant ache in his heart, but there was nothing Xuka could do but wait.

He tried to hold onto the hope that had sustained him for so long, the hope that one day, someone would see him, would choose him, and would love him. But as the years passed, that hope grew dimmer, and Xuka began to wonder if he would ever find a home.

More than four years had passed since Xuka had first arrived at the rescue camp, and in all that time, no one had noticed him. He had watched so many dogs leave, so many friends find homes, but he remained, waiting, always waiting.

Yet, even in his sadness, Xuka never gave up. He still wagged his tail when someone passed by, still lifted his head when the door to his kennel opened, still dreamed of the day when he, too, would be chosen. And though his heart was heavy with the loss of Max and the loneliness that came with it, Xuka held on, because deep down, he knew that somewhere out there, there was a person who would see him, who would love him, and who would finally take him home.